Meme Manners – Don’ts


If you wish to start a meme, you really need to follow the Meme Guide to Manners ™.

Rule #1: Don’t include questions that people might be unwilling to answer.

Sample “Don’t” questions
1. What’s the strangest smell you have ever farted?
2. What’s your most embarrassing public moment — be specific.
3. Most disgusting habit?
4. Have you ever fled the scene of a crime?
5. What, exactly, IS your f*cking problem?

4 thoughts on “Meme Manners – Don’ts”

  1. In answer to your sample “Don’t” questions:

    1. What’s the strangest smell you have ever farted?

    –Blueberry pie and burning hair.

    2. What’s your most embarrassing public moment — be specific.

    –Several tie for first, but all involve falling or shitting oneself.

    3. Most disgusting habit?

    –I eat seldom, and when I do it’s like a ravening beast. Like Cookie Monster downing cookies. You’d think that wouldn’t be that gross, but seriously: People eating nearby have to stop doing so due to nausea. Sad but true.

    4. Have you ever fled the scene of a crime?

    –Yes. Ohhhhh yes.

    5. What, exactly, IS your f*cking problem?

    –I am the Most Horrible Person Ever. My parents probably had something to do with that.

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