9 thoughts on “The Cicadas Are Here!”

  1. Ours haven’t surfaced yet. I was out looking today.

    I’m getting up extra early Thursday morning to see if they’ve emerged. If I can grab a few I’m going to cook them and eat them.

  2. I heard a slight almond taste, but texture like new potatoes.

    The most promising recipe I have is to scoop up a bunch of em, soak them in Worcestershire sauce for a few hours, then dip them in egg and flour and saute. This only works with the newly hatched nymphs though, the soft-shelled ones. Can’t do it with the big crispy adults.

  3. I was going to *tease* you guys about chocolate covered cicadas…ummmm…..and then I googled…I was jincredibly surprised with what I came up with:

    “German Chocolate Cicada Cake”
    (I will NOT be making this, btw :-P)
    Click here and scroll about halfway down.

    Haha…it even tells you to only use the females!!! What’s that about?!

  4. Jin, that’s because the males have hollow abdomens, there’s not as much cicada meat.

    The ideal eating cicada though is the soft-shelled, newly emerged nymphs. Those guys you can just cook up whole, no crunchy parts to remove. Even if you use adult females, you have to remove wings, etc.

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