A Happy Father’s Day

I hope every father had a good Father’s Day yesterday (and to everyone else not into the Father’s Day thing, I hope you had a good Sunday).

Yesterday was better than I could have imagined.

My family picked me up in the early afternoon — I hadn’t seen the kids since Saturday morning, because I was working on a friend of mine’s short film during most of the weekend.

We went over to my father-in-law’s place and had a cookout, followed by a lovely dessert – a tasty turtle ice cream pie from Oberweiss.

There was an Atari 2600 “flashback” game hooked up down in their basement — basically a replica of the old-school Atari 2600, but with games preloaded on the system rather than cartridges you plug in. So, I got to show my twins some choice games from my youth. I played Dodge ‘Em, Combat and Outlaw with them, then let the kids play each other.

It’s embarrassing, but it was along the lines of a dad-showing-his-kid-how-to-fish moment. Really neat.

Then, back home for some unexpected presents. The kids all made me cards — my daughter drew a snowman on her card! Tres cool!

I got a smoking Casio digital watch (I’m sick of looking at my cell phone for the time), and some kicking iPod speakers.

My eldest son had a little freakout when he spilled some water on his bed as he was getting ready to go to sleep. He was tired and/or unexpectedly emotionally attached to his sport sheets. After we got his bed changed to some cartoon monkey sheets, I was able to calm him down after describing sheets I had as a child, and convinced him how cool monkey sheets really are.

After we put the kids to bed, collapsed on the couch and watched a DVR’ed Mythbusters show, we called it a night.

I dunno, just a nice day. They happen from time to time.

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