7 thoughts on “Exciting Advancements In Male Underwear Technology”

  1. I dunno, maybe it should be required for guys that pester their significant others to strap on pushup bras and such.

    Just don’t tell my wife I said that.
    Actually, I’m pretty sure she doesn’t want this for me.

  2. The problem is, when you’re wearing this, you have to stop every few minutes and:

    Plant your feet about shoulder width apart

    place both your hands behind your head, elbows out

    Gyrate slightly while yelling in your best Anthony Newley/Austin Powers voice


  3. Um, ewwww.

    I’m pretty sure that NO woman wants her man wearing that. I think it’s a gay thing. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  4. bubs, are you thinking what I’m thinking? I think you have found your next Halloween costume. If it’s a little chilly you could always accessorize with a white faux-fur coat.

    mob, I’m very sorry for this disturbing story. Just count yourself lucky that I didn’t include a picture in this post.

    lulu, they should at least offer padded boxers, no? The padded thong is so…. European.

    kristi, if I can get a purchase of this underwear subsidized by the blogging community, I’ll gladly purchase a pair and report back my experiences.

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