Hello, Russia! I Have An Automobile Of Gold!

Check out the map of this site’s visitors at the bottom.

What the? Do people in Russia not *care* about my random thoughts? Or is it that they are unaware of them?

Perhaps a greeting to them in their native language, courtesy of Altavista’s Babel Fish translator is required to get me on the map there, literally.

Hello! Rainbows are pretty! I have a gold car. You are my friend, and will increase my hit counter. Thank you.

1st English-to-Russian Translation
Здравствулте!! Радуги милы! Я имею автомобиль золота. Вы будете моим другом, и увеличите мой счетчика ударов. Вы.

Translating the Russian back to English
To zdravstvulte!! Rainbows are dear! I have an automobile of gold. You will be my friend, and you will increase my of the counter of impacts. You.

Back to Russian
К zdravstvulte!! Радуги дорог! Я имею автомобиль золота. Вы будете моим другом, и вы увеличите мое счетчика ударов. Вы.

Back To English
To zdravstvulte!! Rainbows of roads! I have an automobile of gold. You will be my friend, and you will increase my of the counter of impacts. You.

7 thoughts on “Hello, Russia! I Have An Automobile Of Gold!”

  1. I love Babelfish. Try translating Chinese menus back and forth. Potstickers=Gummy Labels of the Crucible.

    I have only had a few hits from Russia myself, not sure why, maybe internet access is not as available?

  2. lulu, wasn’t “Gummy Labels of the Crucible” the B-side to The Culture Club’s “Church of the Poisoned Mind”? As far as yours and my predicament with a lack of Russian visitors, maybe we should start using the words “czar”, “comrade” and “Putin sucks” a bit more frequently.

    j.d., I haven’t it used it a lot to get a real opinion of its value, but I love having a little piece of Douglas Adams on the web, even if some people might not recognize where the term “Babel Fish” comes from.

    dale, sure, you can borrow it, if you don’t mind this.

  3. Another slat on the growing lattice of coincidence: Hannah was just showing me some short stories she wrote, translated into German, and then translated back. They become creepy and surreal. I showed her this post.

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