It’s A Post Office, It’s A Bank, It’s A Police Station, It’s Batman

This apparently happened yesterday, but I just realized today that the folks of Rory’s First Kiss, (aka The Dark Knight) have once again set up shop in the old Chicago Post Office by where I work.

Not only has the “Gotham National Bank” lettering gone up to replace the chiseled “United States Post Office” on the front of the building, there is also a sign on the opposite side of the building reading “Gotham Police”. Apparently they are using the post office’s exterior for more than one set.

The windows to the large lobby of the US Post Office has been blacked out by large “flags” (essentially large swaths of black fabric on a frame). This was the same lobby that contained a yellow school bus during the previous filming that occurred there.

Here’s some linkage from Superherohype:

Crew coming back to the Post Office

On set pics, including the back of the Post Office, with the Gotham Police sign

3 thoughts on “It’s A Post Office, It’s A Bank, It’s A Police Station, It’s Batman”

  1. I once went to visit my sister in Burbank and as usual, we made the trek down the street to the Best Taco stand (because I love tacos, and they are the best) only to find out that it had changed hands and had a big sign with a pig that read, “Porky’s” on it. I was so sad and disappointed because the taco stand has been there since I went to school out there years and years ago.

    Then we found out later that they were filming a movie there and Best Taco is still around. I hope it’s not some stupid sequel to the Porkys movies, but I didn’t care to check.

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