News of the Partial Feelies

Thanks to Tim for sending me this article from the Village Voice.

Though we may be the lone strangers on this one, companionless contrarians careless of the compulsory crit-pick of Crazy Rhythms, likely the only thing writer Rick Moody and I have in common is our commitment of needle to the Feelies’ Good Earth vinyl over a thousand times apiece. Easy.


It’s nice finding people in the wilderness who realize that The Good Earth is the best album ever made.

So, most of the Feelies will be playing at Maxwell’s in Hoboken, NJ, later this month, but former Feelies guitarist Bill Million won’t be there.

I again repeat a claim I made previously. If the fully-constituted Feelies play a reunion show at Maxwell’s, I’m gonna find some way to get there and enjoy it, by golly.

3 thoughts on “News of the Partial Feelies”

  1. My friend Mark got me into the Feelies. I may have mentioned– they’re the band in the reunion scene in “Something Wild.”

    Maxwell’s booker and co-owner Todd Abramson is married to one of my old college girlfriends.

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