Your Own Personal Profanity

Do you have a phrase that has at least something profane in it, that you have adopted as something near and dear to you?

A foul phrase that you carry some affection for?

Here’s mine.

In the mid-90’s, I was puttering about on a text-based virtual world called LambdaMOO with my brother.

One of the sorta cool things about this world was that individual users could construct environments — rooms, outside spaces, etc., and have them link together, which you could then travel about as if they were real physical spaces. Keep in mind that this *was* a text-based world, so really you were just reading someone’s description of a room or place, not seeing any visual representation of it.

My brother and I were wandering around, when we came to a place where its description was not in English.

I then said: “It’s in fucking French.”

This phrase has stuck with me over the years, and makes me smile on the inside when I think it after seeing something written in French.

Anyone care to share their own pet swear words or phrases?

5 thoughts on “Your Own Personal Profanity”

  1. ‘Befuckered’ was one of mine, until you bought it from me.

    I, thanks to a ‘hidden’ Blink-182 track at the end of one of their albums (I don’t know which: I own no Blink-182 albums…an old roommate emailed me the song, though), tend to say ‘Fuck a Dog’ a lot when frustrated.

    ‘This is better than Surprise Bukkake!’ and ‘That’s even hotter than Jodie Foster in ‘The Accused” are two of the other ones I say.

    And one I got from a dear friend from, of all places, Chicago: ‘What the fucking FUCK?!’

    …Oh, and I tend to say C-Unt instead of the actual word (pronounced See-unt). This from my old drug dealer whose girlfriend hated the word, and so he would refer to her as the alternate. It did not assuage her any. Go fucking figure.

  2. See You Next Tuesday stands in for the C-word, which I actually use a fair amount, along with Twat. Or variations on the words, like Twatalicious, or Cuntastical.

  3. See You Next Tuesday stands in for the C-word, which I actually use a fair amount, along with Twat. Or variations on the words, like Twatalicious, or Cuntastical.

  4. Holy crap, what wonderful profane phrases and words!

    The Jodie Foster line is priceless, as is the surprise bukkake one!

    lulu, it’s all so cuntastical!

    Thank you guys so much for sharing. It’s like a filthy, happy rainbow in my head.

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