How Not To Start A Research Paper

19841, in this case not an album2 by the rock group Van Halen3, nor an album4 by keyboardist Rick Wakeman5, is a dystopian novel6 (an example of which can be found in George Orwell’s 19841) by George Orwell7, an English author most noted for penning the dystopian novel6, 19841, in this case not an album2 by the rock group Van Halen3, nor an album4 by keyboardist Rick Wakeman5

1, “Nineteen Eighty-Four”
2Ibid. “1984 (Van Halen album)”
3Ibid. “Van Halen”
4Ibid. “1984 (Rick Wakeman album)”
5Ibid. “Rick Wakeman”
6Ibid. “dystopian novel”
7Ibid. “George Orwell”

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