9 thoughts on “Oh My Sweet Jesus, I Am Insane”

  1. Hey, Splotchy, where is the heroic, long-suffering Mizbubs in this tale? Bubs has the razzle-dazzle, but where’s the heart?

    By the way, his head is getting so big, he may have to come live with you. Do you want your children exposed to that?!

  2. mizbubs, I am the first to admit that this story completely lacks heart, most likely due to the subplot of you wrasslin’ a gator getting cut due to some revisions imposed on me by my editor.

    The entire Bubs clan is welcome at the Splotchy chateau any time. We’ll just keep Bubs in certain rooms to limit contact with our brood.

    mob, thank you! It took a freaking long time. Probably 6+ hours over the course of a few days.

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