The Making Of This Post Is Self-Referential

IMAGINARY INTERVIEWER: First, thank you for taking the time to talk with me.

SPLOTCHY: Oh, my pleasure.

II: Why the self-referential post?

S: Well, I had just thought of it on the train ride into work this morning. I like the occasional non-sequitur post once in a while. For example, my all caps post went over well, I thought.

II: As of this interview, 14 comments.

S: Yeah. Better than all my arcade sound quizzes and answer posts combined.

II: Yes. Not very popular, were they?

S: No. Do you think you can provide links to the quizzes?

II: Sorry, I can’t. Let’s get back to the self-referential post. Were there any fears you had with regards to it? That you would alienate readers?

S: Yeah, I did have some fears, but not really related to alienating anyone. In all seriousness, I thought putting a link in a post that referred to the post itself might cause some sort of problem with the software that Blogger runs on.

II: Really?

S: Yeah, for a fleeting instant. But I guess we’re okay. The sky has not fallen.

II: Anything else you’d care to add?

S: Oh yeah, I forgot. There is actually another reason for my self-referential post. I’m all excited about my “Who’s In Charge Here?” posts, where I analyze the power dynamics of a band via one of their publicity photos.

II: Yes, I have seen it. It’s probably been done before, and better.

S: I don’t know anything about that. Anyway, I already have some choice photos of Styx and the Smashing Pumpkins lined up, but I don’t want to inundate my blog with-

II: One second… Yes? Yeah. I’ll pick him up at school today. No, I’m done. I’m done with the interview. No, it’s done. He’s just going on about something. Okay, bye. Sorry, please go on with whatever you were talking about.

S: Okay. So, I don’t want to overload my readers with my “Who’s In Charge Here?” posts that I am itching to get to, so I need to provide some posts in between them.

II: Filler, as it were?

S: Well, sort of. I’d like to think of the self-referential post as not being just filler, but also entertaining.

II: Is that what this interview is? Filler?

S: Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaayybe…….


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