The Public Shame Of Handwashing Avoidance

Has this ever happened to you?

You have just evacuated your bladder and/or bowels in a bathroom at work, and, after flushing (you’re not an animal, after all), you make way for the door, just as another person walks in and sees you exiting the stall.

Spotted, you halt in mid-step, pivot, and walk back to the sink for a quick soap, rinse and dry, after which you sheepishly head out the door.

Never happened to you? Hey, me neither.

8 thoughts on “The Public Shame Of Handwashing Avoidance”

  1. I used to catch people trying to avoid the sink at work; my former boss was an offender, and she completely lost my respect that day.

    Apparently one of the cooks at another old workplace forgot to wash her hands before going back to the kitchen…

  2. dr mvm, sending love right back at ya

    chris, thanks!

    pj, if it mitigates my alleged crime at all, I usually *do* wash my hands. Plus, I don’t currently work in a job where I am preparing food. I’m a brain surgeon.

  3. No, because I am a germophobe.

    But: The other day I found a 12 pack of Coke in the bottom of a shopping cart in the parking lot, so I put it in my car. I was so racked with guilt that I drove back to the store and returned it at customer service.

    Then I bought Coke, because that was what I really wanted.

  4. Rarely, but sometimes I’m sure my parts (which have peacefully stayed in my trousers most of the day) are cleaner than the sink that I’m supposed to wash my hands in.

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