Five Snotty Facts

To go with the recent Snotty-Ass Rock ‘N Roll Mix, here are some honest-to-goodness true snotty facts about me.

  1. I like the phrase “Git-R-Done”. I like the way it looks, and I like the way it sounds. I don’t care that it came out of that unfunny nimrod Larry The Cable Guy’s piehole. I just like it.
  2. I believe there should be a limit to how much wealth one can accumulate. There should no such thing as a billionaire, or even a multi-millionaire. You want to be rich, use your money to build a f*cking time machine and go to France in the days right before the Revolution.
  3. I like fart jokes.
  4. I hate tucking my shirt in. I absolutely hate it. If you like tucking your shirt in, you’re a f*cking moron.
  5. I’m sick of solemn references to 09/11. Yes, people died. Stop talking about it, unless you want to make a funny reference to it.


7 thoughts on “Five Snotty Facts”

  1. I’m with you on all of these (especially #2!) except “Git-R-Done”. But, hey, I used to watch “Saved By The Bell” every morning, so I can’t fault you.

  2. you snotty ass snot, you. I love you! I’m with you except for the fart jokes (I don’t think females can find those funny; it’s genetic or something) and the Git-R-Done. It makes me think of “git” in the British sense, and then the rest of it just makes no sense. Guess that makes me a little snotty ass too….

    PS–shirt is untucked as we speak!

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