4 thoughts on “Free Movie Titles!”

  1. If someone makes Help! My Head Is About To Explode! or Senator Very Deadly, I’ll be first in line! The Lady Wore Underpants would also catch my interest…

  2. 01. That’d work!*
    02. Not grammatically correct.
    03. That’d work!*
    04. Not very realistic because we don’t.
    05. I could have some fun with this one!
    06. That’d work!*
    07. Sounds more like a porno.
    08. That’d work!*
    09. Isn’t this more of a documentary?
    10. Sorry, end of comment…I’m suddenly very tired!?

    *I can’t think of anything witty to say here.

  3. j.d., you’re a prince!


    #2 – What, blood can’t be very bloody?
    #4 – Oh mama
    #5 – As long as they aren’t GMO
    #7 – A porno with that name would still be horrifying
    #9 – I think you’re thinking of “Government Most Foul”
    #10 – Get some sleep!

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