Green Monkey Mix Project, Volume 2 – A Call For Participants

Hi, encouraged by the response to the initial offering of the Green Monkey Mix Project (GMMP), I’m revving up for Volume 2, which promises to be more fun than the last.

bigshoulders and chris expressed an interest in participating in the next mix, so they can join in on this one if they have a hankering.

Here’s some guidelines and helpful info.

  1. This mix will have a total of five participants (including me). So, there are a total of four slots for fellow musically-minded bloggers to step into.
  2. For this mix, the participants can provide from 5 to 8 songs centered around the theme of the project. (40 songs feels like a nice number for a well-rounded mix)
  3. When I announce the theme for the project, I’ll also be posting my song choices. The other participants can just write a comment on the theme announcement post to provide their own song choices.
  4. You don’t need to give me the songs. Just give me the artist and song title and I’ll get it. If I am unable to get a song, I’ll ask you for it. You’ll be able to hear your song choices before the mix is published, so’s you can make sure I didn’t screw anything up. If you’re dead set on giving me the songs, that’s fine, too.

Now, assuming I haven’t scared you away with all the above funny business, here’s a hint of the theme of the next mix:

2 thoughts on “Green Monkey Mix Project, Volume 2 – A Call For Participants”

  1. count me in, Splotchy!
    i love that photo of JC by the way.
    this leaves a lot to the imagination… could it be prison-themed? “bird”-themed? JC themed?

    this is going to be fun.

  2. I’m totally in. Although, I’m leaving tomorrow for a few days and won’t have internet access. I could probably do it before then if I get the theme (it looks fun!). If you’d rather I wait until the next round, no problem.

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