6 thoughts on “A Wee Bit Of Pogues”

  1. Consider that Shane McGowan was thrown out of an Irish punk rock band for being too much of a drunken bastard.

    Consider that Shane McGowan is still alive, while Kirsty MacColl is dead.

    The first fact proves that the truth is stranger than fiction.

    The second fact proves that there probably isn’t a God, or not one that has a sense of justice that in any way resembles the human definition of the word.

  2. beckeye, right after the GMM for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentine’s Day.

    jin, the video that Bubs posted of the duet between Shane and Nick Cave is a lot harder to watch. McGowan has bad teeth here, but he’s enjoying himself.

    franiam, yeah, he’s an amazing singer.

    dr mvm, that’s nature doing the filing. On a related note, Dee Snider of Twisted Sister actually did get his teeth filed down to points (though I believe he later had them capped).

    matty boy, maybe the fact that he sings with the voice of a drunken angel is keeping God from killing him.

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