An Offer To Interview A Possibly Shady Character

I recently saw a comment on Becca’s blog from a certain mike asking Becca for an interview, which indicated she could complete by visiting a website which I won’t link to here (don’t worry, you can find the site via mike’s profile if’n you really want to).

Today, I received an email from a certain Mike Thomas asking me for an interview as well.

I have participated in several interviews of late, but these have been conducted with people that I am at least somewhat familiar with. This particular request was out-of-the-blue, and I’m not sure if it’s entirely on the level.

So, prior to answering Mr. Thomas’ request for an interview, I would like him to answer my questions first. Just answer the questions in a comment on this post, if you would, mike. I’ll then gladly submit my answers to your own interview.

Thanks. Here are my questions:

1. What’s up with this site of yours? What is its main purpose? Revenue generation? Cool blog locator? Cure to societal ills?

2. How did you find my blog?

3. How many blogs have you solicited for “interviews”? Is it in the tens? Hundreds? Thousands?

4. What has been the general reaction to your requests for interviews? Positive? Negative? Indifferent?

5. Are you a robot, or are you a living person with feelings, wants and dreams? Do you employ robots on a regular basis in the service of your site?

I am submitting the URL of this interview to Mr. Thomas via two email addresses I was able to find for him.

Hope to hear from you soon!


As you can see from my comments, Mike did indeed consent to my interview. So, I kept my word to be interviewed by him. The results are here:

The interview page has a snapshot of my blog, which coincidentally enough captured this particular post, which refers to the interview I was asked to submit. As a result, I believe Bloginterviewer and this site have created a feedback loop which will destroy the Internet, if not the world.

It’s been nice knowin’ ya.

13 thoughts on “An Offer To Interview A Possibly Shady Character”

  1. 1. What’s up with this site of yours? What is its main purpose? Revenue generation? Cool blog locator? Cure to societal ills?

    The main purpose of is to find the best blogs on the Internet based on blogger reviews. There are new blogs popping up on the Web every second and we’re just trying to find the good ones.

    Yes, we have revenue generation with Adsense and PayPerPost signups, but that’s not the sole purpose of the website. With our contests, startup costs, and maintenance we currently have not made any money. This is mostly due to the fact that we gave away $100 in prizes last month and are giving away $50 this month.

    Unfortunately we have not cured any societal ills (that I know of).

    2. How did you find my blog?
    The bloggers we interview let us know who their favorite blogs are and then we interview those people. What better way to find the best blogs than from the people who actually read them?

    3. How many blogs have you solicited for “interviews”? Is it in the tens? Hundreds? Thousands?

    We’ve been around since the end of June. We’ve probably asked around 2000 bloggers for interviews. Anyone is allowed to submit an interview, but we will not knowingly publish any blog interviews with illegal content or interviews with super-short answers that are just trying to get a link from our website.

    4. What has been the general reaction to your requests for interviews? Positive? Negative? Indifferent?

    The reaction has been very positive. If a person is interested they are interested. No one is forcing anyone to do an interview, but it’s a fun way for a person to reflect on their own blog, and to let their readers know a bit more about themselves. We’ve also heard from people acquiring new readers by browsing the different categories. I personally think that’s pretty cool.

    5. Are you a robot, or are you a living person with feelings, wants and dreams? Do you employ robots on a regular basis in the service of your site?

    I’m a real person. No robots. We have a small staff of people working for us, but since we’re not very profitable it’s more for the love of blogging.

    I hope this answers all your questions. Feel free to drop by and leave a comment.


  2. Barbara,

    It’s always great to hear positive feedback. I think a lot of bloggers are using this as a way of rethinking why they blog, what they’re blogging about now, and what they’d like to blog about in the future.

    I’m glad you had fun with it!


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