David Blaine’s Blog Spectacular

We, the humble folks at I, Splotchy are proud to announce our participation in the latest event in the eventful career of illusionist and stunt performer David Blaine.

Mr. Blaine has consented to occupying a small 1 inch square area on this blog (located on the top of the right sidebar) for two uninterrupted weeks, subsisting on nothing but pure oxygen, crackers, and filtered urine. Mr. Blaine’s liquid sustenance will be provided by the green monkey what lives in our brain (strained through cheesecloth to eliminate pollutants).

Please join us in welcoming Mr. Blaine in what we hope to be a lifetime of cooperation with I, Splotchy, where together we can provide the blogreading public the sensational, awe-inspiring whimsy it so richly deserves.

18 thoughts on “David Blaine’s Blog Spectacular”

  1. I’m a little creeped out about him sitting in the corner, watching me while I read and giggle. And then there’s that whole filtered urine thing …

  2. Wow, the celebrities you’re attracting — Jobs, Blaine — who’s next, Elaine Stritch?

    I too am a little creeped out by the thought of Blaine up there in the corner, drinking monkey pee and controlling his breathing or whatever. Maybe every once in a while he can do that floating trick? That’s awesome.

  3. beth, filtered urine is perfectly delicious.

    bubs, thanks!

    dr mvm, your enthusiasm is contagious!

    flannery a, I thought you were just prone to it, I didn’t know you held the copyright.

    jin, in my BRAIN.

    jon, don’t worry, all or most safety precautions have been taken.

    beckeye, I guess I am lagging behind. I hadn’t heard of that guy — looked him up. I think Mr. Blaine would not appreciate sharing my blog, at least during the Spectacular.

    j.d., he was like that when I found him.

  4. dguzman, if you’re creeped out, just look at the countdown and know it won’t last forever.

    As far as tricks go, I have a feeling Mr. Blaine will be doing some over the next couple weeks.

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