Just a couple updates…

Volume 5 of the Green Monkey Music Project will be published today or tomorrow.

I thought of a kinda cool idea as well.

When someone has participated in three of the GMMP mixes, they will be given the choice of being a guest mixologist on a future mix. They will determine the theme of the mix, number of participant slots available, etc.

After the completion of their guest mix, the participant will be entitled to a GMMP Master Badge.

10 thoughts on “GMMP News”

  1. barb, pick one up for me! All’s I got is virtual ones.

    j.d., [a lone mournful clarinet playing softly]

    allen l., it’s going to be called “I Can’t Wait For Halloween” — the theme should hopefully be apparent.

    dguzman, be careful, the crown is a heavy pretend burden.

    pj, maybe I should wash up first too.

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