More Fun With Google!

The Internet is a huge swamp of information. Google is like a poking stick you lower into the swamp, attempting to bring forth the nasty, squirmy things you’re searching for.

It’s always interesting when someone comes my way through the use of a Google search.

Here’s an exercise you may have fun doing. Supply some Google searches where your blog comes at the *very* top of the list.

Here’s ten of mine.

squirrel spit paralysis
green monkey stevie nicks
meaningless cherry
cockroach rabbit carcass
cat mushroom goose poo
zombie finger dexterity
magic tainted adult-oriented bodybuilder
pretzel choking gravitas


Matty Boy did this exercise over at his neck of the woods, giving it an excellent name: “Google Likes Me Best”. Give it a try, why don’tcha?

9 thoughts on “More Fun With Google!”

  1. I put up a ten spot today over at Lotsa ‘Splainin’. I found some other short phrases that would lead you to my blog, but I put up my favorite ten, including the evergreen gigantic child brides!

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