Splotchy Adds Grant Miller To His Blogroll

I have been engaged in a silent but deadly blogroll standoff with Grant Miller of Grant Miller Media. I have not added Mr. Miller; Mr. Miller has not added me.

This escalating cold war of inaction has not been acknowledged by either of us, until now. In fact, I don’t actually know if there really has been a standoff. It’s that silent and insidious.

I am conceding defeat. Mr. Miller, please accept this post as a proof of your victory. You are under no obligation to add I, Splotchy to your blogroll, but please be aware that I have your photograph and a couple of high-end graphics applications, capable of making mustaches and googly-eyes.

While you’re here, you might want to also consider picking up a Meaningless Cherry Award.

Love and Defeat,


14 thoughts on “Splotchy Adds Grant Miller To His Blogroll”

  1. Mr. Miller, I am glad I could shame you. I can now scratch that off my Blogger Bingo card.

    dguzman, we wuz only playin’! Honest!

    j.d., what do you mean? You’re there! You were always there! Always!

  2. Splotchy, I have provided Mr. Miller with a provisional link based on behavior due to some mishaps in the past. I suggest you do the same. By the way, I am not in a standoff with you, I am what I call a “lazy linker.” Basically, about every few months I add some more names. No malice, just procrastination. I consider it an artform.

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