15 thoughts on “Two Buck Schmuck Puts His Fate In Your Hands”

  1. I vote no.

    I think you could have as much fun watching those two dollars swirl around a toilet bowl.

    Granted, I never saw the movie, but I fear the worst.

  2. In order the protect the sanctity of marriage and for the love of God, NO!

    Robin Williams sold out a long time ago, my friend. It’s something we all have to live with but don’t have to support.

  3. FranIam says no no no.

    Do you hear me. No. NO! Please.

    Stay away from that. If you go see that, the next thing you know you’ll be smoking crack out of this.

    If you don’t believe me and it happens, don’t come crying to me Splotch!

  4. Having spent a lot of happy hours of my youth watching bad (and some good) movies in the Lagrange Theatre, I’m tempted to tell you yes. But this one just yells “awful.” My vote is no.

    Instead, buy some popcorn and pop, and Netflix the worst double feature I ever saw at the Lagrange– “Grizzly” and “Grand Theft Auto.”

  5. Well, I was going to come on and say “no” as well, but now that feels so unoriginal…

    “YES” !!! Anything with Robin Williams in it is bound to be great !!! His subtle, understated humor makes him a national treasure !!!

  6. YES, YES!

    How could you pass up the hirsute comedic genius that is Robin Williams? this will undoubtedly be the best $2 movie ticket you’ve ever bought, I’m certain of it.

  7. It appears that most people don’t want me to go.

    I will look into Chris and Dr MVM’s alternate suggestions of flushing two dollars down the toilet and watching grass grow.

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