I had it in my weird mind to construct a crossword puzzle solely out of swear words, or words not appropriate for after-dinner conversation.
I posted the results of my efforts last night, but I thought it was a little too obnoxious sitting for all to see, and deleted the post.
But, rather than let my pointless work go to waste, you can still take a gander.
Here’s relevant links for The Profane Puzzler:
two words
Jenna Bush
no — love it
(and i am a BIG crossword puzzle fan)
Fucking brilliant!
I used to play dirty hangman. I got called out for using the word “quim.” This resulted in my friend (F) asking a British coworker (M) “Do you know what ‘quim’ means?” His eyes bugging out to saucers verified my claim.
Thanks, guys.
I only wish my profanity vocabulary were a bit more expansive, as it would have made the puzzle better.
Plus, I needed more of those go-to phrases and words that one regularly finds in crosswords to provide more interconnectedness between the words.
Is “ANON” a swear word?
This is yummy!