60 Second Doodle

Work is beginning to crush my schedule, dreams and soul (in that order), so I thought I’d start a little feature that won’t take up a lot of time.

I’m callin’ it the 60 Second Doodle.

Here’s the details.

  1. The first person to leave a comment on a 60 Second Doodle post suggesting an idea for a picture gets that picture drawn by me.
  2. I’ll be using a primitive program called Microsoft Paint to make my doodle, which only has 48 colors.
  3. If I don’t know what your picture idea looks like, it’s going to be awfully hard for me to draw it (we’ll just see how it goes, I guess).
  4. I’m not going to use any shape tools (circles, squares, lines). It’s all freehand, baby!
  5. I will time myself so I don’t go over a minute.
  6. The doodle will be added on the same post where the person requested it.

By the way, this is not only an announcement of the new 60 Second Doodle feature, it’s also the first request for a 60 Second Doodle picture idea.

Leave a comment, O Lovers Of Art!


As per a request from J.D., here is a doodle of a mohawked unicorn jumping fire.

13 thoughts on “60 Second Doodle”

  1. Damn. I warn you, Splotchy – I will be waiting with more abstract concepts and impossible ideas. And one of these days I’l be first! [requisite maniacal laughter]

  2. eg, if I said “bring it on”, would that only embolden you?

    mcgone, only one doodle per doodle post! I like the way you think, though. May you be the lucky first commenter in the near future!

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