For All You Stats Junkies

J.D. asked in a comment what the most frequent artist across the monkey mixes was.

It turned out to be a 3-way tie. Here they are.

Pixies – 5 songs
Velouria (ABC) [tim]
Planet of Sound (Speed It Up) [tim]
Holiday Song (Total Absorption) [barbara]
Cecilia Ann (Battle Of The Sexes) [lulu]
Debaser (Snotty) [bigshoulders]

Radiohead – 5 songs
Go To Sleep (ABC) [barbara]
A Reminder (Speed It Up) [tim]
Pyramid Song (Speed It Up) [tenaciouss]
Let Down (Total Absorption) [barbara]
Optimistic (What’s In A Word?) [splotchy]

The Clash – 5 songs
Jimmy Jazz (Battle Of The Sexes) [bubs]
London Calling (Geography Pop Quiz) [gizmorox]
Guns of Brixton (Snotty) [bigshoulders]
Brand New Cadillac (Speed It Up) [johnnyyen]
Clampdown (What’s In A Word?) [beth]

If any of you stats junkies want to run any other kinds of numbers, I’ve created a comma-delimited file (CSV) for you. It’s very easy to convert to a spreadsheet format (MS Excel, for example).

Knock yerself out, and let me know of any interesting findings.

GMMP Songs Data

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