Let’s Make It To Fifty, A Nice Round Number With A Five In It

If my current count is correct, we have a total of 46 actors adopted thus far as part of our ongoing program — that’s 48 minus 2 actors returned to the orphanage.

Would any of you kind people step up and push us to the completely arbitrary round number of fifty?

Peace and Love,


P.S. The iSplotchy would never treat actors with the brutal viciousness displayed by Doctor Monkey Von Monkerstein. Vote iSplotchy! For the children! For the actors! For the future!

12 thoughts on “Let’s Make It To Fifty, A Nice Round Number With A Five In It”

  1. Since my new home on Mars is pretty damn grand and palatial, I’ll take it upon myself to rescue Ms. Ashley Jensen from the orphanage. She’ll have lots of space to run and play and bounce and skip and bounce and hop and bounce…

    Sorry, lost in a train of thought there.

    And I do have a few other actors in mind…

  2. Oh, and may I say that, as Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein’s former campaign manager, I am shocked and saddened by this turn of events. Prime Minister Frog feels the pain of all the orphans who need to be adopted. I wish I could adopt them all.

  3. I’m tempted to adopt a 2nd child, but since I nearly forgot Joey Pants’ birthday recently, I should probably spend more time focusing on the one I have.

    But I really think someone should take in John Kapelos.

  4. I’ve been thinking about adopting Stanley Tucci as my 2nd pet. He can dance, he can strut, he’s the man. Yeah, let’s do it.

  5. Do you have to keep track of their birthdays when they are dead?

    I’ll consider a live actress. I’d contemplate Janeane Garofolo since her birthday just passed, but I don’t know if I could keep her under control. I love her cause she’s feisty, but she might not play well with others.

  6. beckeye, I have not heard that name in a while!

    dguzman, forget their birthdays. What the hell does it matter? It’s not like you’re their biological parents or anything.

    jess, I think if anything Ms. Garofolo would give you shit for observing the passage of time with some officially-sanctioned ritual. She’s so beyond birthdays.

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