Celebrating Math With Matty Boy

I really enjoy when someone expresses an interest in something that I have a degree of familiarity with, but displays a knowledge deeper and a passion greater than my own about it.

Their excitement about a subject is often infectious, and their posts are a pleasure to read.

In honor of Matty Boy and his ongoing series of posts on math, I present one of my favorite equations:

11112 = 1234321

So, what’s your favorite mathematical equation?

11 thoughts on “Celebrating Math With Matty Boy”

  1. Follow along on your calculators, kids.

    Way back in 69 Dolly Parton told her doctor that her breasts were 2 2 2 Big. They were giving her back problems, and she wanted them reduced. So he gave her 51 Pills to take over the next 4 days. But she accidentally took them in 2days, and she woke up…

    (6922251 x 4 x 2 = 55378008)

    turn the calculator upside down


    I know I’m not the only one that heard that joke in third grade.

  2. Work= Force x Distance

    I am actually teaching lessons on this today and am trying to take advantage of teenagers’ inherent laziness to engage them in thinking it very practical to know how to perform the same amount of work with less force.

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