6 thoughts on “iSplotchy Now Available In Cutesy Clothing Styles”

  1. freida b, the “hooded sweatshirts” are kinda pricey, so I won’t be at all offended if you don’t get one.

    Of course, if you don’t purchase this item of clothing, then your vote is mine.

    Okay, okay, if you don’t end up wanting to vote for me either, then you must record and upload a video of yourself singing “Goldfinger” in a crowded supermarket.

    Those are your three options.

  2. Yes, I have three choices, here.

    1) Buy me a hoodie. OK, want that, anyway.

    2) Vote for iSPlotchy. I am holding out on my endorsements for the big bucks.

    3) Accept your dare, which entails the procurement of a video camera besides the one my laptop holds or perhaps my cell phone’s 6 second capacity one and figuring out how the hell theGoldfinger song can be sung not ballady, ’cause I don’t know if I’ve shared this at my blog. My singing kinda sucks. Seriously. But, I know a few good grocery stores, including the biggest Whole Foods in the world.

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