This Just In: Mom Believes Her Son Is Innocent

From today’s Chicago Sun Times, the latest installment in the ongoing missing person investigation of Stacy Peterson:


Drew Peterson’s mom, Betty Morphey, had strong words Monday for Stacy Peterson, who she believes left Peterson and their two children and ran off with another man, as her son contends.

“I would tell her I’m ashamed of her for putting the family through this,” Morphey said. “She knows where she is.”

In a lengthy interview, Morphey, 79, spoke about how heartbreaking she finds the insinuation that her son would harm anyone. Stacy’s family believes the young mother would never have left her two children and fear she is dead.

“I could swear on a Bible that he would never hurt anyone at any time,” Morphey said. “I’m proud he’s my son and I feel so bad he’s got to go through all this because of her. She was just too young.” There is a 30-year age difference between Drew and Stacy Peterson.


A mother doesn’t believe her accused son is responsible for a crime? Is this news?

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