11 thoughts on “Your Local Chicagoland Weather Report”

  1. I am so glad that we have to drive up there tomorrow. When I lived in Chicago the weather never bothered me. Now that we never see snow, the thought makes me cringe.

  2. We’re getting partly soggy to mostly icky here too, although I actually SAW THE SUN for about three seconds this afternoon! Woo hoo! Seasonal affective disorder be damned!

  3. mr. miller, I thought you were known as ‘Ladies Love A slushy accumulation of less than one inch”

    mathman, I hope you have a safe trip. And thanks for stoppin’ by!

    sf, yes, it’s shitty season.

    d, please send some of that sunlight Chicago-way.

    cat, maybe it gives us a homefield advantage for the Bears. We need it.

    jon, at least it’s light out when you’re doing your Intergalactic stuff.

    CTC, it was the handball forecast, which isn’t too different from the golf one.

    dc, you’ll get yours, just wait and see.

    beth, yeah like I said, Ladies Love…

    dr mvm, don’t you mean mid-sucky-west?

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