How Far Does This Insidious Jingle Reach?

Please add a comment to this post, indicating

1. Do you know how to complete the number below?
2. Your location (State, if in the US, or Country)


P.S. If you give away the completed phrase in a comment, I’ll delete it, and then I’ll find you and shoot you in the ankle with a squirt gun filled with cat urine.


I decided not to delete the comments of the people who revealed the end of this phrase, but I’m still going ahead with the spraying of their ankles with cat urine.

20 thoughts on “How Far Does This Insidious Jingle Reach?”

    1. It’s been haunting us for years! The he laughs at end. That was recorded by Steve Diaz of Motel Brown.
      Great jingle!

  1. God Bless WGN, connecting the country with insidious jingles.

    freida b, and what does 459-2222, pray tell?

    dc, my wife’s cell number is very close to that number, and no, her name isn’t Jenny.

    gizmorox, I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure of hearing that jingle.

    s_tothe_d, New Mexico? Colorado? I honestly had no idea it stretched that far. Yeah, you’re right about the name.

    Oh, dr z, you minx!

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