Sympathy Ear For The Radio Nurse: A Proposal

I got ideas, that’s a given.

One of my favorite ideas I outline here.

I don’t have the time, or frankly, the skills, to design such a website. And, I don’t really know how many people have song fragments in their head in need of identification.

So, this is what I am going to do. I will devote part of this blog to identifying songs that you need help identifying. Use the email address on my profile to send me a small sound file of you humming, whistling, singing the song in question. I’ll then post it and ask for help from the readers of this blog.

I am aware that asking people to provide MP3’s or WAV files of them singing requires some technical expertise — you need a microphone, you need to know how to record sounds on your computer, etc.

I’d really like to allow people to just pick up their phone and make a call, and leave a voicemail with their song ID request, a voicemail which I could easily translate into an MP3 and post. I’m thinking Skype might be an appropriate tool to allow me to do this, but I’ll have to look into it further. I know some people who occasionally visit here are much more adept at Skype than I — please feel free to make suggestions.

I’m going to kick off this new feature tonight with a song fragment that has been stuck in my head for about two weeks. I hope someone can ID it!



Some Cute Cat Picture Offerings For LOL-ers

Due to the rampant LOLCats phenomenon, the world is in danger of experiencing a shortage of cute cat pictures. Some experts predict a drought of uncaptioned cute cat pictures by as early as April of 2008.

I felt it was time for me to step up and offer what I can to LOL-ers toiling in the LOLCat mines. These pictures were taken in the fall of 2003, a few short months after our Mission was Accomplished.

Please take these pictures of our cat *Frances Faye and do with them what you will. Click on a pic to get a larger image.

Remember, you can’t spell LOLCATS without CATS.

* Yes, our cat is named after the singer, thank you for asking!


Manx has made a truly wonderful LOLCat picture from one of the above Frances Faye photos. Kudos to you, Manx!

Splotchy’s Pronunciation Follies

Here’s a treat for you, a sporadic new feature.

Words that I have mispronounced, in some cases for years.

I’ll present the pronunciation according to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, and my own mispronunciation.

For the first installment of this feature, you get a twofer!

Hyperbole (Correct)
Hyperbole (Splotchy)

Akin (Correct)
Akin (Splotchy)

I can’t promise this will be a regular feature, as people often nod their head and smile when I talk, and probably are too polite to correct me.