Please ID This Song

Okay, here’s the song fragment I warned you about. Please help me identify the song and artist.

The Night, The Night!

Thanks for any help.


DGuzman nailed it!

I had misheard the lyrics, just as D did when she was younger.

Thank you so much for your help!

If anyone has a song fragment they want identified, there’s a fair chance one of the musical geniuses hearing it will be able to help you.

And now…

Patti Smith – Because The Night

12 thoughts on “Please ID This Song”

  1. I’m going to guess Cheap Trick, Dream the Night Away, and a poor recall:

    It’s 5 o’clock, I think I’ll find my way downtown
    I try to turn my mind off, but I don’t know how

    Let me dream the night, dream the night away
    Don’t make me dream the night, dream the night away

    How can I help but hate the way I feel?
    Make sense of memories that won’t make them real?


    Dream the night, dream the night away
    Dream the night, dream the night away



  2. Thanks a lot for taking a stab at this, Tengrain.

    I should have mentioned that the singer was female (though Robin Zander *is* certainly capable of hitting the high notes).

  3. You know, Splotch, I think you just MIGHT be thinking of “Because the night” by Patty Smith (or Natalie Merchant’s version)–I had always thought the words were “the night, the night” when I was a kid and my big sis Raquel (her real name) played it OVER AND OVER. And the melody you sang sounded like that too.


  4. Thurston Moore said the B-side to that Patti Smith song is his favorite song ever.

    Just thought you should know. I have no idea the title of the song he mentioned, however.

  5. grant, cool! According to Wikipedia, it looks like the b-side was “God Speed”.

    You reminded me, I have been a-hankerin’ to listen to Daydream Nation — I’ll haveta load it on my iPod for the long car ride on Sunday.

    Just curious, did you catch SY at this past Pitchfork Festival? I was going to go, but ended up not making it.

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