3 thoughts on “Quis Custodiet Ipsos Wikipedians?”

  1. Splotch,

    Thanks a lot for this! I often link to wikipedia articles in my posts, but I also try to read through them before linking to them to see that they are (for the most part) truthful. I hope there are not too many people out there who take everything on wikipedia as God’s truth.

    I have read some rather biased articles myself. It is the major problem with a free-edited “encyclopedia”.

    Everybody has to know that wikipedia should only be one of many sources when you are trying to learn about a subject. And to take everything you read there with a grain (or pound) of salt.

    Thanks again!

  2. Yes, we have not been able to use Wikipedia as a source at school, but for math information it is invaluable. When I don’t know WTF my Number Theory teacher was talking about The folks who contribute to) Wikipedia explain(s) it coherently.

    Want to piss away 3 hours on a Sunday, but don’t have a blog? I was going to say read a plethora of worthwhile information on Wikipedia, but I’ll recommend the blog. I have pissed away far more time on a blog than Wikipedia, and YouTube combined.

    Wait why was I commenting?

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