The Eye Of The Posting Hurricane

I’ll prolly be posting a lot of stuff about New Orleans when I return, but it’s not really easy right now, as the cellphone posting didn’t end up being good enough for me to use, and the two public computers available to me are largely dominated by college students logging into Facebook and watching hee-larious YouTube videos (there is one looking at me right now with an itchy mouse finger).

But, I have been taking lots of pictures and have been taking in lots of nifty experiences, which I’ll hopefully transmute into some posts you may find some interest in reading.

Okay, I dunno if I’ll make another post from here before the long trip back on Saturday. Thanks a lot for your kind comments.

I had fried food today for all of you. Yes, every single thing I stuffed down my gullet was fried. And yes, I took pictures of the food before I ate it. You’re going to just to have to wait for the feast for the eyes that awaits you.

Love and Kisses from the Big Easy,


9 thoughts on “The Eye Of The Posting Hurricane”

  1. Splotch, I await your blogging return with anticipation, but am glad you are able to do that for you and those you are helping. You are a true gem.

    I gave my husband my Christmas wish list today:

    Tall brown boots (with no heel)
    An iPod shuffle (the iSPlotchy is too expensive)
    An iSplotchy $hoodie.

    I think my sons are going to get me the $hoodie. They love iSplotchy. I think iSplotchy’s popularity with the kids may have been previously underrated.

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