23 thoughts on “A Blog Is Born”

  1. Congratulations. I’m sad that I’ve never been a blog of note. I’m starting to suspect that all those guys I had sex with, who said they worked for Blogger, were lying.

  2. WOW, color me IMPRESSED! I guess everyone’s figuring out the coolness of the Splotch.

    I used to hope for blog of note status; now I’m just glad if I get some comments! I think I blog more for my own amusement than anything else.

  3. splotchy, you are a rock icon. Good job, sir!

    dguzman, heh, that’s how I look at it. 😉 If people comment, cool. If not, cool. There are about 87 quadrillion blogs clogging the tubes.

  4. Just wanted to give you a heads up about The Judy Garland Experience. This week along with all the Judy treats we are also featuring Liza Minnelli singing thirty classic songs from the Judy Garland songbook.
    If you don’t know about The Experience it’s about time you checked it out.
    It is the largest Judy group in the world and features the most eclectic bunch of Judy fans ever assembeled. We have authors, film makers, Garland family members, other celebrities, People who knew and/or worked with Judy, and fans from all levels and all walks of life. The only one missing is you!
    The group has the most amazing unreleased Judy Garland audio and photo files anywhere, and the material is ever changing, sometimes from week to week, and sometimes from day to day!
    Please visit our little Judyville and check it out, you may find that you never want to leave!
    If you don’t have a Yahoo account, don’t worry, it is easy and free to sign up, just follow the link.

  5. Ummm…..splotch…
    you linked to my *hush hush* blog!
    *jin briefly freaks out*

    Maybe I can finally get a doodle out of you for that, huh?!

  6. Thank you!
    It’s worth it if I finally get a dooooooodle!!!

    *jin thinks for a minute*

    Paris Hilton at the point when she realizes she’s eating a chocolate ex-lax cake.

  7. Who’s In Charge Here is pure brilliance. I guess Blogger isn’t as lame a you’ve been sayin’, huh Splotch?

    JK, Blogger. That was Frogger and he thinks that’s brilliant too.

  8. O.M.G.
    I would swear your sitemeter said 2 thousand something yesterday AM.
    That would mean you got over 5,000 hits just from blogs of note!??!

  9. beckeye, the sister of a guy I was in a band with had sex with a guy who claimed to be Dean Ween (he wasn’t). Just remember to check their credentials next time.

    d, I think single-purposed blogs are far more likely to get singled out. I would seriously doubt I, Splotchy would ever receive such an honor– it’s too messy and all over the place. However, I generally prefer messy kinds of blogs, and you have a pretty damned noteworthy one anyways.

    jon, thanks man.

    randal g, it’s funny, I was excited to tell people, but once I posted this, I didn’t really tell many other non-bloggy people. I’d have to explain what a blog is first :).

    buzz, thanks. As you can tell from my blog, I’m all about the Judy Garland.

    cdp, thanks!

    dc, as long as the liza fans stay away, I’m safe.

    jess, consider yourself remembered. And I hope you continue to vote!

    tim, thanks a lot.

    beth, great, but now I need a good sign-off phrase. How about, “Try not to hurt anyone too bad”

    franiam, aw shucks.

    freida b, was I dissing on Blogger? I honestly don’t remember.

    jin, I’ll try and get to the doodle later today. Yes, my stats are going freaky crazy. About 3,700 yesterday, and we’re up to about 1,500 today.

  10. freida b, no, no, whatever. I might very well have dissed Blogger, I just didn’t remember the instance is all, and was a little confused by your post. And I still am — maybe I’ve been doodlin’ too much.

    jess, she didn’t say the blog itself was pathetic, she said my groveling to get votes was. I’ll be sure and tell her that the best things in life come to those who grovel.

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