01. Tomatees
02. Carriots
03. Greenie Beanies
04. Oh-range-u-tans
05. Apple-dapples
06. Grapelies
07. Tangerinos
08. Punkins
09. Gollyflower
10. Brocchi
11. Pea-Peas
12. Banas
13. Strawbierries
14. Limey-wimeys
15. Abbycado
16. Mushwooms
17. Cabbage (it’s cute enough as it is)
18. Radwish
19. Tootabaga
20. Cutesy-corn
what about
Pine Cone Apples
Arty Chokes
Amsterdam Sprouts
they deserve a name too
Arty Chokes!
Of course!
Very cute.
Tootabagas! hee hee hee!
You are killin’ me.
“Strawbierries”? Clearly that should be “Stwabewies.” And “Radwish” should be “Wadish.”
Dammit, Dr Z!
You’re absowutewy wight!