I Could Not Imagine This 25 Years Ago

Continuing the celebration of January Is Meme Month, a tag from Bubs:

He modified it a bit from how he received it, and actually made it a little easier for me to answer — list five things I did not foresee in the future 25 years ago.

So, that’s 1983. Here are five things.

  • Playing with computers for a living – When I was goofing around with graphics programs on the Apple II in junior high, it never occurred to me that I could make a living at computers. It turns out you can!
  • Star Trek communicators in the hands of everyday people — The coolest thing about the original Star Trek series (aside from the velour shirts) was Kirk whipping out his communicator on a strange planet to tell Scotty to beam him up. And now we have cellphones. Goddamn cellphones.
  • Michael Jackson a freak of nature? – In ’83, I picked up Michael Jackson’s wonderful album Thriller. Sure, on the cover his nose looked a little skinnier than it did on the cover of Off The Wall, but what’s a little plastic surgery to a famous entertainer? To each their own!
  • Jim Henson is dead. Keith Richards is alive. – I am still confused and saddened by this.
  • Twins! – I had not dated anyone yet at this point in my life, though I was hopeful someone would eventually find me non-unappealing. And sure, I thought to myself, I might meet-someone-get-married-have-children, that was definitely within the realm of possibility. But twins, that I had not thought of. Hey, that reminds me, it’s the twins’ fifth birthday today! Happy Birthday, B&E (no, their names are not Breaking and Entering, smartass)!

11 thoughts on “I Could Not Imagine This 25 Years Ago”

  1. Good ones. I can’t believe we’re all even alive. I was certain I was finally going to finish my thesis and then we were all going to die in a fiery nuclear bombing, thanks to Ray-gun accidentally hitting The Button instead of calling for his “mommie” nurse.

  2. Yes! Happy birthday to the twins…

    Echoing what dguzman said, i was just having a conversation with my eldest brought on by this meme, encouraging her that things weren’t that bad now, and reminding her that I lived through a time when nucular war seemed like a very real possibility under Reagan.

  3. And when Captain Kirk put a little diskette into the ship’s computer and data was read aloud from it – I never thought I’d see that sort of thing in my day either.

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