January Is Meme Month

Mathman has tapped me to do a lying meme, which, if my backtracking through the blog swamp proves correct, is a variation on a lying meme I kicked at a few people’s heads here.

The catch here is that one of the lies will actually be a truth.

Okay, so here we go. I’ll make my lies less outlandish than the last time, to better hide the truth.

1. I started this blog in Feburary of 2007.
2. Bun E. Carlos, the drummer for Cheap Trick, is my second cousin, and I see him occasionally at family functions.
3. I have a tattoo of Jonny Quest on my left shoulder.
4. I am afraid of squirrels.
5. One winter, my brother and I built a snow fort in our front yard that was so large and elaborate it was photographed for the front page of the State Journal Register newspaper.
6. I verbally insulted Steven Seagal on a hotel elevator after he drunkenly stumbled into me without apologizing.
7. I am looking forward to a relaxing meme-free February.

4 thoughts on “January Is Meme Month”

  1. If you always have to drink Old Style at family functions then I am guessing it is Bun E. Carlos. Oh, wait, that’s a Styx reference and Bun was in Cheap Trick.

    Hard to keep my Chi-town bands straight.

    Going with Bun anyway. He seems like such a nice boy.

  2. I was once confused for Stephen Segal. I was walking down Michigan Ave, I had a ponytail like I do now. A dude said to me hey Segal. I laughed as I kicked him in the head.

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