Let’s Be Optimistic

It’s a new year! It’s my birthday!

It snowed a couple inches last night.

I got back from a walk to our neighborhood gas station this morning with a cup of coffee for MizSplotchy and a half gallon of milk. I retrieved the camera from inside the house so I could take a picture of our pretty, snowy street.

As I walked back outside I heard geese honking. I pointed up and took a quick picture.

(Click pic for bigger image)

And then, a picture of our street.

I’m optimistic about this year. I get optimistic with every new year, and every birthday.

I hope you’re optimistic too.

Happy 2008.

27 thoughts on “Let’s Be Optimistic”

  1. Happy New Year!

    Happy Birthday!

    Those are great pictures, too–it was a pretty snow last night, and I’m just getting ready to go out in it now.

    Have a great day, and a great year

  2. Oh Splotchy- Happy Birthday!

    The photos are lovely. We had snow today actually, about 3 inches or so on top of the few we got the other day.

    Anyway I do wish you a very happy and wonderful birthday and year.

    And no matter how much griping I do, I am always optimistic.

    For the days I am not- I can just come over here and reference this post.

    Peace brother!

  3. Happy new year and birthday my friend. I love your blog and I love your sense of humor. Thanks for a great snowy street pic. It’s supposed to snow here today/tonight but I know it will never look as cool as your street.

  4. Hey Splotchy – Happy birthday! What a great thing to be a new year’s day baby — they whole world is celebrating your birthday!



  5. Happy birthday! I have a birthday medley I sing to close friends. It includes excerpts from 50 Cent, the Beatles, The Tuneweavers, and a birthday song used by El Torito’s servers back in the 80s. If you really wanna hear it, e-mail me your phone number and I will be happy to sing it to you.

  6. I am optomistic-ish, Splotch. And I will try to hold on to that for you. As a birthday present. Because I didn’t get you anything. Except there’s a lapdance waiting at Discount Strippers R-Us, you know… the next time you swing through.

  7. Happy Birthday and New Year Splotchy. Love the photos even if the geese look like they’re posing a geometry problem I’d never figure out.

  8. Yay, I love geese! I love their plaintive little honking when they fly over.

    We got snow as well, but I haven’t had time to get any good pix yet!

    I was thinking just last night about what I could do to cheer up for 2008. You’ve inspired me (yet again). I’m gonna give it some thought and post later.

    Have a great 2008, my friend. And keep on Splotchin’. (you can trademark that!)

  9. Happy Belated Birthday!

    I’m with you here, I need to be more optimistic this year, even though I’m usually fairly upbeat. The current political situation has a way of crushing me a little but at a time lately.
    Here’s to optimism!

  10. Hey Splotch,
    I’m late for your birthday greetings! Mine is December 31 although I’m spaced out and you may have already been to my blog.

    What would the blogosphere do without Capricorns?

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