Likes and Dislikes

01. Rocket jet packs
02. Cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and feta cheese in vinaigrette dressing
03. Trees
04. Snow
05. Puppies
06. Sitting by a fire
07. Boobs
08. Long walks
09. Miniature golf
10. Peace

01. Stomach flu
02. Bon Jovi’s hair
03. Bon Jovi
04. Golf
05. Smashed fingers
06. High temperatures combined with high humidity
07. Jogging
08. Canned green beans
09. War
10. Richie Sambora

12 thoughts on “Likes and Dislikes”

  1. Manx, there’s a hip-hop call and response in there somewhere.

    dr mvm, indeed. Add soggy mushrooms to the can and it’s beyond satanic.

    franiam, aw shucks.

    freida b, you are made of stronger stuff than I.

    gizmorox, I didn’t say I hated them. Just dislike, mixed in with a little irritation.

    grant, he fell into both columns, (membership to Bon Jovi — Dislike, fashion line for babies — Like), and consequently canceled himself out of this post.

    jin, yes! You know me all too well.

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