The Environment, And Ways To Prevent It From Going Down The Toilet

FranIAm a-tagged me with this, a new year’s resolution of sorts.

Try to think of one way you and your family can lessen your environmental impact in 2008. You could consider doing something relatively easy–like giving up paper plates and napkins (yup, more dishes and laundry, but oh so worth it at trash-time)–or more difficult–like trying to carpool more (which can be a pain, but saves a ton in gas money, not to mention in saved emissions). It doesn’t have to be hard–it could be something as simple as trying one of those new fluorescent bulbs in your desk lamp. How about it?

Being in a family with three younguns, I often feel like we are an unstoppable garbage-producing monster.

We’re slowly replacing the tungsten bulbs in the house with energysaver ones. We recycle plastic, paper and metal already. I take the train to work. We keep the thermostat at reasonable temps in the summer and winter. I am an empty-room electricity hardass; I’m always turning lights off when a room is unoccupied.

I don’t know what the hell I can do. I guess the best thing I could do is to really make an attempt at learning about other ways to conserve energy and resources besides the small steps we have been routinely doing for years — something I have never heard of or tried.

When will I be able to purchase a hybrid minivan dagnabit?

4 thoughts on “The Environment, And Ways To Prevent It From Going Down The Toilet”

  1. Whiskey Marie left a comment at my place that said, if we are all trying something, then we are doing something.

    Well I think most of us are really trying. And many great things are made up of lots of small actions.

    Splotchy, are you my husband? Sometimes I leave a room for a second and boom… that light is so off!

  2. I am drueling in such momly fashion over that hybrid minivan myself, as well.

    I have promised my in two months 15 year-old that she will be recieving an electric scooter in lieu of a car when it time for her to drive.

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