Baklava, Death and a Giant Broom

It’s been about two months since I have provided an update on my brother’s adventures of Baklava in the glorious World of Warcraft (WoW).

Well, I hope you’re happy now. Baklava the Night Elf Druid is dead.

You may or not may realize the nature of these kinds of games, but during play a character can die many, many times. When this happens, the worst you have to do is traipse through the wilderness in a non-corporeal, non-playable form and retrieve your carcass. Once the carcass has been claimed, you’re free to again wander about the countryside, killing things and being killed by things.

I’m not talking about that kind of death. Baklava is *dead* dead. He is gone. My brother killed him. He got tired of playing a Night Elf Druid who was constantly getting his elven ass kicked. My brother is still playing WoW, but is now primarily playing a Blood Elf named Blaniage (another Greek dessert, for those keeping score at home). People interested in the exploits of Blaniage will need to stay tuned. I can promise you exciting tales of mounts, mayhem and fortuitous investment opportunities.

For those shedding a few tears, the spirit of Baklava the beloved Night Elf lives on. My brother has created a new Undead Mage character, also named Baklava. For you Mazgul the Undead Mage fans out there, I have some terrible news. My brother has killed Mazgul, and has no intention of bringing him back.

Baklava the Undead Mage is hovering around Level 10 and has pretty crappy equipment. Mages are able to wield weapons, though they are stronger in the art of magic. In one of Baklava’s first quests, he had to steal pumpkins from farmers. After finally killing a farmer, he realized that a broom of the farmer was far more powerful than the two-handed staff he was fruitlessly whacking at things with.

So now, Baklava the Undead Mage has a large, slightly silly broom hanging off his undead back.

Road Warrior, The Musical – Snake In The Sand

Another entry in my new musical — The Road Warrior.

“Snake In The Sand”

Sung by: The Gyro Captain
Description: Max is surprised at the site of an apparent accident by The Gyro Captain, who has laid a trap for scavengers of petrol.

I’m the Gyro Captain
I’m a snake in the sand
With my wits and my crossbow
I’m the one in command

Your souped-up Interceptor
Might be very fast
But thinking like a reptile
Is the only way to last

So please, no funny moves
And give me all your gas
If you want to live
Give me all your gas

[Max’s dog jumps out of the Interceptor and attacks The Gyro Captain. The tables are turned, and Max is in control]

Oh please don’t kill me!
I’m an insignificant man
I am dirt under your feet
I’m a snake in the sand

I didn’t ask to be given
The role that I was cast
All my friends and family
Are buried in the past

I just want to live
Is that so much to ask?
All I wanted was just a little gas
All I want is just a little gas

Wonder Blogroll Powers, Activate!

Form of…. A POST!

A Salute To Some Stuff
A Sunny Thought
Bad Tempered Zombie
beginning to bird
Bells On
Blowing Sh*t Up With Gas
Coaster Punchman’s World
Cup of Coffey
Dead Spot On The Web
Dear Bastards…
distributorcap NY
Electronic Cerebrectomy
Everything’s Swirling
Freida Bee
Grant Miller Media
Here Comes Johnny Yen Again…
I Was Just Wondering
Impeachment And Other Dreams
International House of Blogcakes
jintrinsique UNPLUGGED
Joe’s Movie Corner
Jon The Integalactic Gladiator
L’ennui mélodieux
Lotsa ‘Splainin’ 2 Do
Mock, Paper, Scissors
Monkey Muck
Nerdy Laundry
No Smoking In The Skull Cave
Passion of the Dale
Peace Corps Volunteer Steve in Romania
Prone To Whimsy
Rider’s Block
Social Zymurgy
Some Guy’s Blog
Sorghum Crow’s General Store
Sprawling Ramshackle Compound
Tenacious S
The Cushy Blog
The Idea Of Progress
the otherwhirled
The Pop Eye
The Simarco Letters
The Urban Recluse
The Woodring Monitor
Two Minutes In The Box
Various Ecstasies
What I Like About The Universe
When Will I Use This?
Who’s In Charge Here?
Wyld’s Q & A
Zaius Naton

UPDATE! shape of… newly-added blogs!

the ultra-mundane
Things That Make You Say ‘WTF?’
The Hidden Agenda of Cowboy the Cat

How To Insult A Periodical

Just add stupid.


1) The New York Stupid Times
2) Stupid Newsweek
3) U.S. Stupid News And Stupid World Report
4) Stupid People Magazine
5) The Wall Street Stupid
6) The Sacramento Stupid Bee
7) Stupid, Stupid Foreign Affairs
8) In Stupid Style
9) Stupid Washington Stupid Post Stupid
10) The Chicago Sun-Stupid