A Pretty Super Tuesday

I usually don’t blog about my day-to-day affairs, but this was kind of a fun day.

After work, I:

1) Attended the world premiere of Osso Bucco. It was being shown as part of the first 2008 installment of the Midwest Independent Film Festival. A lot of the cast and crew were present for the screening, including the lead, Mike Starr.

What, you don’t know him? Here, let me help:

Yeah, that guy!

I talked to him briefly at the after-show get-together. He seemed like a really nice guy. I had thought to myself if I got drunk enough I would harangue him into recreating one of his scenes from GoodFellas (with me playing the DeNiro part, of course). Thankfully for all parties concerned, I did not get that drunk.

I should note that Mr. Starr is still available for adoption.

Even cooler than meeting Mike Starr was meeting someone I had not seen for twenty years. I was in line for some food and thought I recognized someone. It turned out he was a grocery bagger at a supermarket in Springfield, Illinois at the same time I was. I was only sixteen at the time. I remember he was one of the bright spots of working there — he was funny and profane. Tonight we didn’t really talk too much as things were rather hectic, but it was really cool seeing him again.

2) Encouraging Signs
I have been a little down and/or worried about my new blog. I had my doubts there was that much negative signage around. Well, in the mall containing the movie theater showing Osso Bucco I saw several instances of negative signage. On my walk to the Belmont El stop I saw several instances of negative signage. On my walk from the downtown Jackson stop to Union Station I saw several instances of negative signage. Even Union Station had negative signage! That’s right! Union motherf*cking Station! I feel better now.

3) As I was walking to find a seat on the 11:40pm train, I noticed a guy wearing an Obama jacket, and some other political looking people. I decided to sit near them and chat them up. It turns out they had just come from an Obama rally at the Hyatt. One of them was repeatedly checking election results from his cellphone. Another person was Illinois State Representative Linda Chapa LaVia.

What, you don’t know her? Here, let me help:

Still nothing?

Anyways, it was an interesting few hours. I hope your Tuesday was Super, or at least a little bit Fat.

Now McAwesome Is Just Messing With Me

Alright, I’m breaking a promise I made just a few posts ago. I am going once more into the emotional landscape of McAwesome’s Gmail status message. Well, perhaps I can be considered to have not broken my promise, as this new status message doesn’t carry the melancholy of the two statuses before it.

C’mon, McAwesome — “exstending”? You expect me to believe your misspelling was not done on purpose? You have prompted me to include another status, one with a unique error — a message which will confirm that yes, I am talking about you, McAwesome, not some potential other McAwesomes running around.

You’re trying to smoke me out, aren’t you? Well, it worked. Consider me out and smoked.

I will be seeing McAwesome tomorrow night, and I hope no sadness or anger will be in evidence. We was just having fun is all and didn’t wanna hurt nobody.

On a positive note, I actually have permission to include this person’s status:

What’s In Your Keyboard?

Okay, so we have played What’s In Your Clipboard? here and here.

I’m sure you’ll appreciate this new game.

Here’s how you play…

1) Take your computer keyboard and turn it upside-down.
2) Bang the bottom edge of your keyboard on a hard flat surface for a good five or six minutes (if it is a laptop, you might want to tap rather than bang).
3) Take the detritus which falls out of your keyboard and push it into a pile.
4) Photograph the pile.
5) Put the photograph in a secret place. This photo is to remind you to clean your keyboard frequently — do not share this photo with anyone under any circumstance, because they most likely will shun you for the rest of your life.
6) Post a comment here to indicate how sparkly clean and grunge-free your keyboard naturally is!

Repeat as necessary, and most importantly, have fun.

Negative Space Signage Photos Sought!


The unexpected attention directed at my sister blog has prompted me to create yet another blog about a topic that is near and dear to my heart. I have been meaning to create it for a while, and finally got around to doing it.

The new blog is called:

The Signage Of Negative Space

There’s a particular kind of sign at night that I really love — I just think it’s aesthetically pleasing.

I’m hoping to take advantage of the geographical dispersedness of my blog readership and ask that readers take photos in their regions and submit them to me, so I can start amassing a nice collection of negative space signage.

Hopefully, my first post on this new blog gives a good enough description as to the kind of sign I am talking about, but if not, I have a few more examples I am going to upload over the next couple of days.

Please, consider keeping a lookout for these kinds of signs and forward them on to me.

For a post using your picture, I would like to include:

1. Photo of negative space signage
2. The address of the signage in the photo
3. Photographer credit
4. Any interesting information you would like to share about the photo or location.

I don’t want to use any pictures that are already floating around on the web — I prefer that the pictures are taken personally, for inclusion on the site.

So, if you have the inclination, please send me photos, addresses, and comments to the email indicated in my profile.

Thanks for any help!