Welcome to the Protoblog

I haven’t scanned anything in a while.

Here’s the first page out of a journal I kept in 6th grade. The journal was actually a class assignment we did for credit.

If I remember correctly, you had to keep up with it on a daily basis, filling up at least a half page per day.

You can see I got a “1” on the first page, which I think was not a good thing — probably due to my not fulfilling the half page requirement.

I’ll be posting more pages from this journal — it’s clear to me that I did not enjoy recording my thoughts then as much as I do now, though I did find some inventive ways of stretching my very small journal entries.

Click on journal to make it bigger

7 thoughts on “Welcome to the Protoblog”

  1. OMFG- This is priceless, and opens my mind up to a whole new world of blog topics. I will be sure to one day acquire from my mother the essay I wrote in fourth grade about “The Three Things I Hate,” in which I listed goats, boys and when my brother embarrassingly rolled his hotwheels into the mall fountain where my mother worked. I brilliantly segued from the paragraph about goats to boys by saying some boys are goats, and listed my teacher in the list of the boys I hated. I got an A on the darn thing. (And, I no longer hate boys.) I look forward to your 6th grade doodles, oh the foreshadowing.

  2. Like Fran, I’m a little wigged that in 1982, Splotchy was in 6th grade, and I was a junior in high school.

    It could’ve been a May-December romance!

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