What’s In Your Keyboard?

Okay, so we have played What’s In Your Clipboard? here and here.

I’m sure you’ll appreciate this new game.

Here’s how you play…

1) Take your computer keyboard and turn it upside-down.
2) Bang the bottom edge of your keyboard on a hard flat surface for a good five or six minutes (if it is a laptop, you might want to tap rather than bang).
3) Take the detritus which falls out of your keyboard and push it into a pile.
4) Photograph the pile.
5) Put the photograph in a secret place. This photo is to remind you to clean your keyboard frequently — do not share this photo with anyone under any circumstance, because they most likely will shun you for the rest of your life.
6) Post a comment here to indicate how sparkly clean and grunge-free your keyboard naturally is!

Repeat as necessary, and most importantly, have fun.

12 thoughts on “What’s In Your Keyboard?”

  1. jin, wrap up those encrusted table sweets and send them to me!

    pygalgia, curry makes everything taste good.

    barbara, I will not judge what you do in the privacy of your own home.

    heals, better luck next time, I guess.

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