11 thoughts on “A Small Positive Effect Of This Awful Cold”

  1. The greatest benefit of the cold I have is that I can make my voice go REALLY deep–it’s the closest I’ve ever been to being able to imitate Barry White, and it makes it really fun to sing gospel songs too.

  2. dc, dammit, and I’m eligible to run for office. I’d curse my apathy if I wasn’t so complacently lazy.

    McGone, I don’t remember. I’ll ask her. She loves it when I ask her questions like that.

    PJ, thank you for recognizing my very marketable job skills.

    ad, yes, but with great power comes great responsibility.

    r. alan, that confusion often arises. In fact I was Dave Coulier’s stunt double on Full House.

    bubs, would you be willing to record an answering machine message for us?!

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