13 thoughts on “A Table Full Of Colors”

  1. j.d., I know. Marvel at my artistry!

    McGone, Aw crap. Now you *know* I’m going to have to freaking create a picture out of this nonsense now.

    Barbara, how blocky and colorful of you!

    p0nk, thanks for not playing the Arkanoid card.

    gifted typist, dos vedanya! I have no idea if that is an appropriate response to your comment, but I saw Arnold Schwarzenegger say it a couple times in Red Heat.

    dc, have I told you your eyes look rectangular in the glow of the moon?

  2. dr z, thanks for the correction. I knew something about that table cell was off.

    freida b, on the contrary, I felt absolutely lousy when I did this. I’m starting to feel a little better now.

    konag, you’d be nerdier if you had it memorized.

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