16 thoughts on “An Etiquette Question For You”

  1. I go to the Hotel Motel Holiday Inn and see what they have on the buffet.

    Well that and Pepto-bismal.

    Signed, Master Gee (hmmm I see status ideas before my eyes…)

  2. This is why I always bring food with me when I’m invited somewhere… so I have something fabulous to eat! Then everyone is all like, “Ohhhhh jin! You are sooo sweet! You brought us pastries! How generous of you!”

    No one ever suspects I’m really being a rude picky bitch.

  3. I think you’ll find the question of manners was answered in the classic Sugarhill Gang hit, “Rapper’s Delight.” The best rap ever about Keopectate and super sperm.

  4. How about a human being?

    You have free will, so you can choose your friends as you wish.

    Because all time will tell

    is that everything is a lie.

    I lost the fight
    but won the war.

  5. Pound your fists on the table, and scream, “This is a Travesty!!!”

    When they ask, “What are you talking about?”

    You say, “Here we are, a bunch of fat, overfed Americans enjoying this fine meal while thousands, if not more, of our fellow countrymen, and women are going hungry. I simply cannot eat another bite out of good conscience. I hope you will respect my decision.”

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