Bubs’ Voice In The Wilderness

I hear a faint and distant kerfuffle.

Is it the light brushstrokes of a clown painting an alligator? The sickening wet crunch of an alligator eating a clown?

No, it’s a meme lobbed thisaway from the long lost Bubs!

Rule 1) List three reasons for your blogging.

a) I gots ideas
b) I needs to tell them
c) It’s free

Rule 2) List the rules.

I am. Just be patient.

Rule 3) Tag three others with the thread.

I tag:
Arianna Huffington of The Huffington Post
Cory Doctorow of Boing Boing
Bob Somerby of The Daily Howler

6 thoughts on “Bubs’ Voice In The Wilderness”

  1. Dammit! I was going to tag Arianna for the Middle Name Meme — but that girl gets bitch if she’s tagged twice in the same week.

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